The Union of
Marriage: A Perfect Design—An Imperfect
The creation and design of marriage is an important topic for this
generation, as it has been for every generation before. Every study on families out there would agree
that there has been an incredible breakdown of our families, especially in the
US. That breakdown of our families has
led to the degrading of our nation—the loss of moral principals in all walks of
For any young people approaching the age of marriage, as well as those
already in that sacred union, it is important we understand God’s design. And as we will see, God tells us, though not
perfect, it IS possible to have a healthy family—and He tells us how to do it!
My Goal
My Goal is to paint a picture of a Biblical Family using God’s
description in His Word. Now, a warning
as we go into this. As we work through
this, the point is NOT for you to think about your own up-bringing, OR to get
overly focused on even your history in your own marriage. In this case, it is less productive for you
to focus on the past, than it is to seriously consider your future. Instead, I want you to see the Biblically
picture…AND THEN strive to align your
marriage and life up to it.
the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he
brought her to the man. The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called
'woman, ' for she was taken out of man."
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to
his wife, and they will become one flesh.
There are extremely important observations we
should see in the above passage.
is a Gift
There is an old joke: God came to Adam one day and told him He
wanted to offer him a perfect helpmate—one that would love him and respect
him—one that would be his perfect helpmate and would complement his life in
every way! Adam loved the idea, but it sounded
too good to be true. “How much would it
cost me, Lord?”
“Only an arm and a leg” God said. Adam thought for
a moment and replied “How much can I get for a rib?”
The reality is, God DID offer to man the perfect gift—and
she really could be all of those things.
She was designed to work in harmony with him. Not to work against him OR in competition
with him. And Not to be dominated by him. Rather she was to be a precious gift—one he
would value
is Completion of a Design
God “designed” marriage—it was His purpose from the
beginning to bring the man and woman together.
It is interesting to me to note that woman was “taken out of man.” This coincides with God’s genetic design in
our chromosomes. Men’s chromosomes
are XY, and women’s genetically are
XX. God took out of man the genetic
makeup (“X”) to create the woman. Thus women
are literally genetically “taken out of man.”
So, Men (in fun humor only) turn to your spouse, and say “you’re half
the man I am.”
Now I know the jokes: “Why did God create women? ...Even God needs
a rough draft.” I know this is only a joke, but we need to recognize that it
not only suggests a terrible understanding of God, but also a terrible picture
of what the man and women’s relationship was to be. Rather, BOTH men and women need to see each
other as built to complement each other!!
We should see the woman as the perfect HELPMATE designed by God.
So the man declared in vs.23: “This is now bone of my bone, and flesh of my
flesh.” When Jesus uses this passage in
Matthew 19:6, and Mark 10:8, he adds to the statement with: “So they are no
longer two, but one. Therefore what God
has joined together, let man not separate." What a descriptive picture—they are no longer
two but one flesh! Do we feel the weight
of that description?
This precious relationship is symbolized by the
lighting of the unity candles at a wedding.
Two separate candles symbolizing two separate lives, now become one
life—one flesh—when they light one unity candle. Then the two separate candles are
Today the lighting of the unity candles is under
attack. More and more people are not
extinguishing their own candles after they light the unity candle. The only real reasons to do this is selfishness
OR expectation of divorce. Some have
suggested “They still have their own spiritual journeys…they are still
individuals before God.” Yes, that is true, but their spiritual journeys are NO
longer to ever be apart from each other.
Perhaps the picture of two long twisted candles together is a better
picture—two separate lights, but they cannot be taken apart without serious
This picture God gives us of marriage being “one
flesh” is still true today! Some have
suggested that this picture was only for a perfect world in Genesis, before the
fall, and thus not really for us today.
However Jesus uses it in the Gospels as still the picture that we were
meant to be in our marriages today!
Marriage, the two are to become one flesh – they are that close and intimate! This is referring to sexual intimacy, as well
as emotional intimacy. Unfortunately this
is not the picture we see today of relationships in which they date for a
little while, have sex, and then move on to another partner.
is Strength
Remember, man in Genesis was been given a
responsibility from God. Adam was told
to take care of the garden. God saw that
he was lonely, and that he needed a partner, so he could do even MORE amazing
things in his life. We need to hold fast
to our spouse because they make us better!
It is the idea of adding strength to one piece of metal, by welding it
to another. Both pieces benefit!
Now, there are some situations being single has
some advantages, and the scriptures talk about being single as an opportunity
to serve God. But in most places in
life, two are better than one. Marriage
is a spiritually strengthening thing! My
wife’s strengths benefit me, and mine are to benefit her. Both husband and wife should be seeking to bring benefit and to derive benefit. The God designated roles in marriage (which
we will talk about next week) has everything to do with the mutual beneficial of
the partnership.
Marks a New Life / Purpose
The man’s response to this gift: “She is now a part of me!” She was designed for him to join him in the
work he is to do. And he no longer is a
part of his family. Vs. 24 “For this
reason a husband will leave father and mother and be united to his wife.” This does NOT mean he must join the wife’s
family (though it was common in scripture).
Rather it simply means his responsibilities are now elsewhere.
Husband and Wife are now unified in their purpose
for God—for God’s purposes and Glory…NOT for themselves. When my wife and I got married, we both had
to recognize that some of our previous goals now had to be set aside for the
mutual benefit of our family. If we
don’t recognize this, our pursuits will only tear us apart.
is now a Testimony of God’s Goodness and Faithfulness
The unity of a Husband and Wife is to reflect the
wisdom and brilliance for God’s design in their marriage. Their commitment and faithfulness is to
reflect that of God. Marriage is
purposefully patterned after God’s faithful covenant love to His people, the Church. Christ will never, never, never forsake his
bride. He protects her, died for her,
cares for her, provides for her, and amazingly he delights in her! Marriage is a testimony of that Grace and
forgiveness. Your marriage exists for
God, for his purpose and glory, but reflecting his design, by an example of his
covenant and design.
Breaking of Unity—Divorce
the natural question to follow is: is
there any reason this union should ever be broken?
hate to need to talk about this, but there is more in scripture about divorce
than there is about marriage.
When Jesus
had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of
Judea to the other side of the Jordan.
2 Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. 3 Some Pharisees came to him to test him.
They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every
4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
4 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? 6 So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
7 “Why
then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of
divorce and send her away?”
8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
8 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
is a huge issue today! More than 50% of
marriages end in divorce. How does God feel about divorce? Malachi 2:16: “I hate divorce, says the LORD
God of Israel.”
I want to be careful saying this, but if you hear me out, I think you would agree: ‘All Divorce is against God’s will.’ ‘All Divorce is outside of God’s perfect plan for us.’ And no one would really disagree with me: Who would say on their wedding day “Gee, I hope this marriage ends in a divorce”—unless you are just in it for the money.
no one who marries wants a divorce. THUS
divorce is against their will for their life as well. God doesn’t want your marriage to end in
divorce—it is against His perfect plan for you.
Why? Because divorce is like
ripping flesh. If we are meant to be
“one flesh” than how can we expect to walk away and not be torn to pieces. Marriage was meant to be binding and
permanent—‘Til Death do we part.’
Are there
allowances for divorce in God’s eyes?
but please note this: I think scripture
shows allowances are “lesser of two evils.”
I don’t want to ever hear from anyone “It is God’s will that I divorce
them.” Jesus is expressing in this
passage: That is never true!
knew that bringing sinful and selfish human beings together, would result in divorce
from time to time. Thus he gave His
people commands in the Old Testament, in order to protect the wife and children. Jesus is saying these allowances were “allowed”
NOT because it was God’s will, but that He understood the depravity of the
human heart. The allowances were because
human hearts were hard!
people typically get a “I was right—they were wrong” attitude! Instead a biblical attitude should be that of
sorrow and regret that they were as a couple too weak to make the right
decisions through the marriage, and strong enough to stay with the spouse
through “the worst of times.”
One Allowance Jesus made in this passage was for “marital unfaithfulness.” Some would like to interpret this as any time
of ‘emotional abandonment’ or even “mental adultery.” But I don’t think Jesus was being vague. When considering the law that Jesus was
referring to, he was suggesting the allowance was only for physical adultery. There is something SO personal about physical
a pure person, whose spouse has an adulterous relationship. Jesus understood that that person might never
be able to resolve that in their head. That
“one flesh” has been damaged in a major way.
AND we just read last
week (1 Cor. 7:1-5) that it was a command that we not withhold sexual intimacy from our
spouse. Thus Jesus was allowing for that
scenario. HOWEVER: He is saying that this is an allowance, and
not necessarily the ‘best thing to do.’ If
my spouse has an adulterous relationship, it does not mean I should
automatically divorce her. The church
was to ‘allow’ it because the personal betrayal is understandable. But that does not mean it is best for YOU or
the KIDS.
whole story of Hosea, and his wife Gomer, is a perfect example of what
perfect love is: to love through all sin
and betrayal. THIS is the perfect
picture of God’s love for us! I have
always been impressed with those who can stay married to their spouse after
adultery—it is a perfect testimony of their love and humility!
Corinthians 7:10-15
10 To the
married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate
from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be
reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife. 12 To the
rest I say this (I, not the Lord): If any brother has a wife who is not a
believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. 13 And
if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with
her, she must not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband has been
sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified
through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as
it is, they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing
man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in
The basic idea: A wife must
not separate from her husband. Why? Because it represents God’s forgiveness and
restoration. She might win her husband
back to Christ with her patience and fortitude—that’s true humility! And this is definitely true, men, if the
situation is reversed.
if she does divorce…if the husband does something that is so repulsive that she
just can’t get herself to stay with him, than she may separate from him, but
then remain unmarried. The whole point
is that if you ever separate from your spouse, you do so with the whole goal of
one day reuniting with them! Whoa, does
that go against our secular, and even modern-Christian thinking.
This passage also gives a second “allowance” for divorce. The Bible is clear that if we are a Christian,
we are NEVER to marry a non-Christian, or EVEN someone who does not hold their
faith as a priority. BUT, if you are
already married to a non-believer, we are to remain with that non-believer if
they are willing to stay together. If
they say “No, I want out”, then we are to let them. I DO believe, by the way, that God allows
remarriage for these situations.
more thing important to note: Women initiate
divorce 2 out of 3 times. Yes, this is
definitely influenced by men’s loose lifestyles and their willingness to engage
in sin (that’s another whole message!) BUT
it also shows that woman have adopted the “I deserve more” attitude, instead of
humbling themselves before the Lord, and saying “For your glory, I will
overcome this obstacle—I will do my best to win my husband back to you!”
There are a
lot of Myths about Divorce:
- People feel that because people learn from their bad experiences, second marriages tend to be more successful than first marriages. But this is False – the divorce rate is even higher on subsequent marriages.
- Some think living together before marriage reduces the chances of divorce. But the reality is those willing to live together, are also those more likely to choose divorce.
- Some think Children do not have long lasting emotional repercussions from Divorce—OR even that when parents don’t get along, the children are better off with divorced parents than fighting parents. But studies have shown that most kids have far MORE emotional repercussions from the divorce, then just staying with parents who argue regularly. Kids of divorced parents don’t learn from it—rather they are twice as likely to divorce themselves!
God’s Picture of a Family is Best
We must understand the impact of what this is saying: To deviate from God’s plan will only lead to
MORE hurt
In most cases divorce is extremely selfish—the self is more important
than the other person or the kids. Jesus told us that there was no greater love than the one who laid down
their life for a friend—to divorce is to say “my happiness is more important.” We need to make the choice RIGHT NOW that marriage
is forever no matter what! If you go into marriage with even the slightest possibility of divorce,
it will happen! You will no doubt have the best AND worst of times in marriage.
Expect it and prepare your mind for it.
the goal is to go from here forward, aligning our life up with the
scriptures. For those on their second or
third marriage, don’t divorce them to go to your original spouse--instead stay
true to them. Please choose now to say that I will keep that promise I make to my spouse
“to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, ‘til death do we part.”
God’s picture of a family! See it as a
gift and God’s blessing in your life. Is
our concept of our marriage based off our Spouse as an incredible gift? If so, then when troubles arise there will be
plenty of room for one another even when we mess up. We will be able to Forgive and forbear with each
other We
will be grateful for one another. Our focus will NOT be on communicating our
disappointment when our expectations are not met, rather a
flowing of the gratitude of God.
to say: “As for me and my house, we will
serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:13b